RSE Policy

RSE Yearly Overview

RSE Medium Term Planning

RSE Lesson Design


At Willow Wood Community Primary School, we are very proud to have achieved both the RSE Charter Mark at Bronze Level and the Stonewall School Champion Award at Silver Level. This highlights the excellent work that we do in this subject area. The feedback received from both organisations was very complimentary with the following statements made:

RSE Charter Mark:

“THIS IS THE BEST APPLICATION I HAVE SEEN! We appreciate all of your hard work on this application and it was a pleasure to assess.”

“You obviously have put such effort into making sure your pupils experience of RSHE the best it possibly could be. It was a joy to read.”

Stonewall School Champion Award:

“It’s clear that pupils have lots of opportunities to learn about what HBT bullying is, and that pupils are taught how to safely respond to this bullying – including reporting it.”

“You clearly do lots of brilliant work to celebrate Pride and incorporate LGBTQ+ themes into other diversity celebrations. It’s wonderful to see that you share your work with parents and carers.”